Package: glib

Function g-key-file-string

Lambda List

g-key-file-string (keyfile group key)


(g-key-file-string keyfile) => value
(setf (g-key-file-string keyfile) value)


keyfile -- a g-key-file instance
group -- a string with the group name
key -- a string with the key name
value -- a string or nil


The function g-key-file-string returns the string value associated with key under group. In the event the key or the group name cannot be found, nil is returned.

The function (setf g-key-file-string) associates a new string value with key under group. If key or group cannot be found then they are created.

Unlike the function g-key-file-value, this function handles characters that need escaping, such as newlines.

See also
