Package: gdk

Function gdk-window-focus-on-map

Lambda List

gdk-window-focus-on-map (window)


(gdk-window-focus-on-map window) => focus-on-map
(setf gdk-window-focus-on-map window) focus-on-map)


window -- a toplevel gdk-window object
focus-on-map -- true if the window should receive input focus when mapped


Whether or not the window wants to receive input focus when it is mapped.

The gdk-window-focus-on-map determines whether or not the desktop environment should be hinted that the window does not want to receive input focus when it is mapped.

Setting focus-on-map to false hints the desktop environment that the window does not want to receive input focus when it is mapped. focus-on-map should be turned off for windows that are not triggered interactively, such as popups from network activity.

On X, it is the responsibility of the window manager to interpret this hint. Window managers following the window manager extension specification should respect it.

See also
