Package: gdk

Function gdk-screen-monitor-scale-factor

Lambda List

gdk-screen-monitor-scale-factor (screen num)


screen -- a gdk-screen object to get scale factor for
num -- an integer with the number of the monitor, between 0 and (gdk-screen-n-monitors screen)

Return Value

An integer with the scale factor.


Returns the internal scale factor that maps from monitor coordiantes to the actual device pixels. On traditional systems this is 1, but on very high density outputs this can be a higher value (often 2).

This can be used if you want to create pixel based data for a particula monitor, but most of the time you are drawing to a window where it is better to use the gdk-window-scale-factor function instead.


The gdk-screen-monitor-scale-factor function has been deprecated since version 3.22 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gdk-monitor-scale-factor function instead.

See also
