Package: gdk

Accessor gdk-screen-font-options

Lambda List

gdk-screen-font-options (object)


(gdk-screen-font-options object) => options
(setf (gdk-screen-font-options object) options)


object -- a gdk-screen object
options -- a cairo-font-options-t instance, or null-pointer to unset any previously set default font options


Accessor of the font-options slot of the gdk-screen class.

The gdk-screen-font-options slot access function returns the current font options for the screen, or null-pointer if no default font options have been set. The (setf gdk-screen-font-options) slot access function sets the default font options.

These font options will be set on any Pango context newly created with the gdk-pango-context-for-screen function. Changing the default set of font options does not affect Pango contexts that have already been created.

See also
