Package: gdk

Function gdk-program-class

Lambda List

gdk-program-class ()


(gdk-program-class) => program-class
(setf (gdk-program-class) program-class)


program-class -- a string with the program class


Accessor of the program class.

The gdk-program-class function gets the program class. The (setf gdk-program-class) function sets the program class.

Unless the program class has explicitly been set with the (setf gdk-program-class) function or with the --class command line option, the default value is the program name determined with the g-prgname function and with the first character converted to uppercase.

The X11 backend uses the program class to set the class name part of the WM_CLASS property on toplevel windows. See the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM).

See also
