Package: gdk

Function gdk-keymap-entries-for-keycode

Lambda List

gdk-keymap-entries-for-keycode (keymap keycode)


keymap -- a gdk-keymap object
keycode -- an integer with a hardware keycode

Return Value

A list of keyval, keycode, group, and level values.


Returns the keyvals bound to keycode. When a keycode is pressed by the user, the keyval from this list of entries is selected by considering the effective keyboard group and level. See the gdk-keymap-translate-keyboard-state function.


(gdk-keymap-entries-for-keycode keymap 35)
=> ((43 35 0 0) (42 35 0 1) (126 35 0 2) (175 35 0 3))
(gdk-keymap-entries-for-keycode keymap 35)
=> ((43 35 0 0) (42 35 0 1) (126 35 0 2) (175 35 0 3))
(mapcar #'gdk-keyval-name (mapcar #'first *))
=> ("plus" "asterisk" "asciitilde" "macron")    

See also
