Package: gdk

Accessor gdk-device-tool-hardware-id

Lambda List

gdk-device-tool-hardware-id (object)


(gdk-device-tool-hardware-id object) => hardware


object -- a gdk-device-tool object
hardware -- an unsigned integer with the hardware ID of the device tool


Accessor of the axes slot of the gdk-device-tool class.

The gdk-device-tool-hardware-id slot access function gets the hardware ID of the device tool, or 0 if it is not known. When non-zero, the identificator is unique for the given device tool model, meaning that two identical device tools will share the same hardware value, but will have different serial numbers, see the gdk-device-tool-serial function.

This is a more concrete, and device specific, method to identify a gdk-device-tool object than the gdk-device-tool-tool-type function, as a tablet may support multiple devices with the same gdk-device-tool-type type, but different hardware identificators.

See also
