Package: cairo
Function cairo-surface-create-for-rectangle
Lambda Listcairo-surface-create-for-rectangle (target x y width height) ArgumentsReturn Value
A pointer to the newly allocated surface. The caller owns the surface and should call the function cairo-surface-destroy when done with it.
This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a pointer
to a "nil" surface if other is already in an error state or any other
error occurs. Details
Create a new surface that is a rectangle within the target surface.
All operations drawn to this surface are then clipped and translated onto
the target surface. Nothing drawn via this sub-surface outside of its bounds
is drawn onto the target surface, making this a useful method for passing
constrained child surfaces to library routines that draw directly onto the
parent surface, i.e. with no further backend allocations, double buffering
or copies. Note | See also |