Package: cffi
Function mem-aref
Lambda List
mem-aref (ptr type &optional index)
The mem-aref function is similar to mem-ref but will automatically calculate the offset from an index.
(mem-aref ptr type n)
;; is identical to:
(mem-ref ptr type (* n (foreign-type-size type)))
CFFI> (with-foreign-string (str "Hello, foreign world!") (mem-aref str :char 6)) => 32 CFFI> (code-char *) => #Space
CFFI> (with-foreign-object (array :int 10) (loop for i below 10 do (setf (mem-aref array :int i) (random 100))) (loop for i below 10 collect (mem-aref array :int i))) => (22 7 22 52 69 1 46 93 90 65)